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    I love TrustBooks!… Simple to keep track… I know my trust account is compliant

    I used to keep my trust account ledger by hand, which was time-consuming and error-prone. I manually wrote checks out of my trust account. It took me forever to reconcile the account each month as I had to look at three different places to see whose money was whose. I love TrustBooks! No more handwritten letters. No more fear of overdrawing a client account. They make it simple to keep track of each client’s money, allow me to print checks directly from the program, make reconciling the account easy (about 5 minutes tops!), and best of all, I know my trust account is in order and state bar compliant. I’m so glad TrustBooks exists!

    Abigail Peoples Law Firm of Abigail E. Peoples, PLLC

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